
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Vacation Bible School Decorations

Here is what I also have been up to for the past two weeks....Vacation Bible School Pandamania! I was in charge of ALL decor this year! With the help of my husband and fellow VBS workers, here is our hard work in a few photos to share. I have to tell you that I did use My Digital Studio on some things too! To see larger, click on the picture to open up.

Did you see the red drapes hanging? Those were a last minute idea and they pack a design punch! I bought 7 red plastic tablecloths from Walmart and draped them on long wrapping paper tubes covered in bamboo wrapping.  We hung them with white string thru the tubes and push pins.  Yes, I cut ALL those characters out of the posters!  I put some on foam core with spray adhesive. The "bridge" is more like a deck that we can use over and over at future VBS programs cause they always seem to have a water theme.  We played the water/tropical music in the background which added a cool effect. My favorite part is the narthex were we put that red screen with plants and rocks and the main sign. Click on the last pic and you can see what craft we did.
If you have any questions, let me know and I will do my best to answer them.
Have a PANDAMANIA day!


  1. They look even better in person!

  2. What a fabulous job you did! Would you be willing to share the "activity" ideas that are on the posters in the last picture? My Preschool runs a 2 week summer program in June - and we are wrapping up this year and looking ahead to next year. This is such inspiration! If you have any time ( I can see how busy you must be! ) please email me!

    Thanks, Katherine
