
Friday, November 19, 2010

Thankful for pumpkins

One day recently, my friend Christine came over to create together.  She was looking thru a homemade crafts book that I had bought at 50% off.  She saw these pumpkins and said "Ooh, I want to make those".  I responsed, "How about right now?"  Yep, we did!
These pumpkins are made from strips of designer paper (retired).  The larger pumpkin is twelve 1.5" x 12" strips and the small pumpkins are nine 1" x 6" strips.  We added a ribbon topper and some big shot leaves at the top of the large pumpkin. 
To make these pumpkin if you have not seen them before.
1. Cut strips of paper (any type of paper will work)
2. Stack them print side up and punch two holes in each end. You will need a Crop-A-Dile type tool to get through the layers.
3. Adhere a 5/8" Jumbo Brad to one end - this will be the bottom. Fan out all the strips in an even circle.
4. Pull the strips up alternating opposite sides and adhere at the top with a 5/16" Brad. This will be the top.
5. Now embellish your pumpkin as you like.
Have a magical day!

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