Sorry I missed last week's MDS Monday challenge! I do not even know what happened last all is a blurr! Just way too much on my to do list and not enough time. But now that Christmas is over, I can sit on my chaise lounge under a comfy blanket with laptop opened to MDS! Happy place!
Tara brought us a great layout for a scrapbook page this week so I decided to try and catch up on a special event this year. We were very honored to be asked to be godparents to our friend's first born son. Megan is under 18 so Howard and I acted as godparents as well. She was very excited to be named godmother to him. Pretty special and it is a title that binds us as family to him.
I pretty much used the Fan Fair Ensemble to make this page. DSP, stamp images and embellishments work together so well together. I added the burlap flower recolored it to match the Island Indigo in the DSP.

You can give the challenge a try and submit your own page if you click on the MDS Monday button on the right side! Follow the directions on the site to upload your page and link it from your blog or Winners and honorable mentions are announced every two weeks.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope this inspires you today to get into MDS Mondays and our challenges!