My valentine's are a blurr this year. Came and went so fast! Well, I just noticed that I have NOT taken one picture of the Valentine things I did make. It is because I made them all Wedneday night and then passed them out Thursday. I did make these cute baskets from my friend Monika and you can see her version here:
hugs-kisses-holder I also made them in a larger size of 7.5 x 7.5. They are super easy to make and I will make more of these with an Easter theme in the next month. Click on the Valentine's Day label on the right to see last year's creations for Valentine's Day. I recreated some of those too.
Over the weekend I had one goal...make a rag quilt purse. I have seen many of these on blogs and Stampin Connection. You use the Big Shot and the scallop square die cut to cut the fabric. I followed Angie Juda's video shown here:
rag-quilt-purse-video She shows three videos on how to make the purse completely. I have not sewn since 7th grade when I had to make an apron in home ec! (I still have it too!) I went to Walmart and bought the Pixie sewing machine which works well for sewing on paper. This might have been easier using my mom's sewing machine but I wanted to challenge myself. It worked ok. My mom showed me how to use the sewing machine and some tips which was a big help. I started it on Saturday and finished on Sunday. It took me a total of 4 hours for my first one. I hope the next ones will go faster.

I bought the fabric at JoAnn's, a quarter of a yard each. Fleece batting at Walmart because I forgot it at JoAnn's. Doh! The buttons are from Stampin Up Playground buttons. I used a blue flower on top of a larger red one. I love how it turned out! Picking the fabric was really hard so I tried to stay simple. Allison is modeling MY purse. I am thinking of making a larger version for Allison as an over the night travel bag. Megan wants one too.
We got 2.5" of snow on Friday! That was so much fun and we got to make a real large snowman this time. We watched the Opening of the Olympic Winter Games on Friday night! Vancouver Canada did a great job! I love watching the Olympics! As for Valentine's weekend, we did fancy dinners of filet and cheese fondue then crab legs and fish at HOME! We have some surprises in the works for the girls this week as they are off school for Winter Break.
Have a magical day!