Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Disney Trip Tuesday (day 1)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Made for Monday
Many family and friends should be getting an email for viewing our Disney Photopass pictures. Check them out! I will have pictures tomorrow and Thursday covering all what we did that wonderful magical week!
Have a magical day!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Festive Friday
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wacky Wednesday skipping Thursday
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Disney Tip Tuesday
Monday, September 22, 2008
Made for Monday
Friday, September 19, 2008
Festive Friday
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Disney Tip Thursday

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wacky Wednesday
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Disney Tip Tuesday

If you are interested, check out for the details for our night here: http://allears.net/tp/mk/mnssh.htm
Yes, we did bring costumes for all of us to wear. Howard is Captain Jack Sparrow, I am Minnie Mouse, Megan is Mitchie from Camp Rock movie or a witch Minnie and Allison is Pocohontas. Now I brought our Jack and Sally T-shirts in case Howard and I opt out of costumes. Will post pictures next Tuesday! Have a magical day! CindyMonday, September 15, 2008
Made for Monday
Friday, September 12, 2008
Festive Friday
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Disney Tip Thursday
Address book and stamps, so you can send out postcards to friends and family at home. Include e-mail addresses so you can send virtual postcards from Innoventions in Epcot Anti-bacterial lotion - This was a must before all meals when we couldn't get to water. Pack an Autograph book and a fat pen (so the characters can hold it) Backpack or Tote bag- to store cameras, ponchos, snacks, etc. in. Band-Aids , Kleenex, Aspirin!!! Bathing suits Batteries - or rechargeable batteries with charger Beach Towels - For the water parks. Disney resorts provide towels for the pools. Beach Shoes - those rubber-soled stretchy neon shoes, for walking to the pool, or at one of the water parks, no need to go barefoot and stub your toes. Bottled Water - if you're driving and can throw a case in the car it makes it that much easier to grab some water on your way out each day. Bottle of wine and the opener! Howard's must have on trip! Disposable Camera and digital camera with large SD card - Megan is taking pictures of Epcot countries for her World Club at school. Cell phones with charger Contact lenses - make sure you bring *both* a spare set and your glasses. Cooler - a soft, collapsible one to tote sandwiches and drinks to the water parks (not allowed in main parks) Fanny pack for you - I bought a new system at www.stitchpaint.com in Crazy Daisy. I got the wallet, cellphone pouch, key holder, belt and water bottle holder! Small Flashlight - for reading maps in dark waits Gum - If you like to chew it, buy it in advance; you won't find any for sale on Disney property Hats - straw, baseball whatever...something to bounce the sun off! Insect repellant and Sunscreen - adults and kids Lip Stuff - like Blistex or Chapstick - with sunscreen! Permanent Markers Nail clippers and file, tweezers, Q-tips Needle and thread Portable DVD player and DVD movies - For the long trip there or late at night to get to sleep or for a raining moment and stuck in hotel. Rain Poncho and Umbrellas- So you can still go around the park even while raining. Sensible shoes -- Comfy, well-broken in shoes are essential. This isn't the time to try a new pair of shoes. If you must get new shoes for your trip, be sure to break them in well before you depart for Florida. Swimming goggles Sunglasses Tickets (or reservation numbers) - Parks, airline, hotel, car rental or meals confirmation numbers Ziploc Bags - I always find a use for these. Buy a large bag of snacks and fill/refill snack bags each bag.
Money Fairy - Would that not be nice? I need her now! My transmission in my van is being replaced today. Nothing like last minute before vacation!
Back to packing and praying my van gets done on Friday! 2 MORE DAYS! Have a magical day!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wacky Wednesday
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Disney Tip Tuesday
Monday, September 8, 2008
Made for Monday
Friday, September 5, 2008
Festive Friday
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Disney Tip Thursday
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wacky Wednesday